Once upon a time, computer is known as massive, expensive and undependable calculators that are completely not related with ordinary human life. However, computer suddenly change to dependable, versatile machine that have work their way into just about in every single corner and crack of modern society. The pioneers who created and market the first computers did not expect these spectacular advances in computer technology. This can be proves when Thomas Watson, Sr., the founding father of IBM declared in 1943 that the world would not need more than five computers. His thought turn wrong when computer’s revolution take place where peoples nowadays using computers as network or communication devices encompass the globe.
As we can see, we don’t need to be a computer scientist to use computers and network. Instead, we our involvement with technology will make more sense if we just understand a few basics concepts. It is essential when we as the internet user know how to use internet in correct and effective way. These are few guides that we can follow when we working the web:
- Get to know your search engine – Try several search engines that exist to determine your favorite one. By doing this step you can compare which search engine that suit with you most, save your time and provide better information.
- Be specific when you search – A search engine is more likely to give you the answer to what you are looking for. For instance, you should search for Acer Aspire 4710 instead of laptop to know more about your computer specification.
- Know your plusses and minuses – In using search engine, you actually can apply plus sign to signify that you want pages that contain all words. For examples, “+ Foods + nutrients + carbohydrates”. On the other hands, a minus sign usually means not. For examples “cancer – astrology” locates pages that contain about “cancer” but not “astrology”.
- Be selective – It is like a mess when you get bundles of information that is useless that equal to no information at all. To avoid this phenomenon, we can use the special feature of information that we want to search such as include name of the author, publisher and references. This can help you to find the correct and meaningful information on your searching activities.
- Triangulate - triangulate means you should have two perspectives when you search some information on the internet either it is true or not. As a user, we should investigate each information that we get especially about its source and who has written it. Don’t assume that something is true because one Web source tell you so, unless you are sure the source is rock solid.
- Organize your favorites – When you find a page worth visiting, record it on your list of favorite or bookmarks. This can help you to revise that page when you needed and it is really save your time.
- Protect your privacy – Many web servers keep track of all kinds of data about you : which site you visited, where you clicked and more information is collected when you fill out forms to enter contest, order goods or leave message. So, make sure that you does not leave any private information about yourself that might used by others to prank you later.
- Be conscious of cookies and bugs – Many Web serves send you cookies to your browser when you visit them or perform actions. Cookies are tidbits of information about your session that can be read later; they enable Web sites to remember what they know about you between sessions. That is means stranger can easily have our private information that can brings fatal to our life.
- Remember that online shopping isn’t always better – online shop and auctions can save your money, especially when you compare to shop. However, when you buy the products through online you cannot refer for any damage later if it is broken. It is not like you buy things from shop where you can get assist from the seller.
- Shop with care – You should concern about your money safety if you deal with online shopping. Make sure that you safe temporary depositary for funds until you get the products. This is to ensure that you is not be swindling by others through this technology.
For the conclusion, it is great if we can get fully involve with cyber world because there are many advantages that we can get. However, we also have to consider all the possibilities that we can get that may affect our life if we do not take any precaution steps such as protect our private information. I will explain more about simple information and guides that may assist web user in my next post. So, don’t forget to read it because the simplest things may derive to vast affect on your life.
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