Sunday, October 18, 2009

Internet Threats

Internet security is the part of intensive care that user of internet should take care of. There are many threats that one will expose when entering cyber world. This dangerous activity called sabotage. Modern computer saboteur commonly used malware (malicious software) that include viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. As a user we have to have complete protection to prevent virus from attacking our computers and damage it. Below are the list of malware and its explanation:

  • Viruses – Virus software is a piece of code usually hidden in the operating system of a computer in an application program. When a user executes a program containing a virus, the virus quickly copies itself to uninfected program; it then allows the user’s application to execute. Usually this happens to so quickly that the user is unaware the application program contains a virus. A virus can jump from one computer to another when someone uses a disk or computer network to copy an infected program.
  • Worms – Unlike virus, worms are complete program capable of traveling independently over computer networks, seeking out uninfected workstations in which to reproduce. A worm can reproduce until the computer freezes from lack of free memory or disk space. A typical worm segment resides in memory rather than on disk, so the worm can by shutting down all of the workstation on the network.
  • Trojan Horses – A Trojan horses is a program that performs a useful task while at the same time carrying out some secret destructive act. Trojan horse software hides an enemy in an attractive package. Trojan horse program are often posted on shareware website with name that make them sound like games or utilities. When unsuspecting bargain hunter downloads and runs such a program, it might erase files, change data or cause some others kind of damage.
  • Spyware – Spyware refers to technology that collects information from computers users without their knowledge or consent. A spyware application program, sometimes called tracking software or spybot, gathers user information and communicates with this information to an outsider via internet.

I become shock and afraid after I know about threats that we can get by using internet. However there are steps that we can take to prevent all this malware. We can use antivirus programs that are design to search the viruses, notify users they are found, remove them from infected disks or files. Other than that, we also apply security patch that is software that plug potential security breaches in the operating system. Sometimes we have to invest our money in this protection package but somehow we can feel the worthiness when our computer system is free from viruses attack.

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